This write was inspired by a Kerry Shook Ministry sermon that I listened to some other day. Normal is not enough; so many have settled for normal and less when God has given us the ability to do the extra ordinary. If you want what normal people have; insecurity, bitterness, unfaithfulness, grudges, anxiety, sadness; keep doing what they do but If you want what few people have; peace, joy, security, fulfillment, faithfulness, forgiveness, contentment, then you have to get off the normal road and get on the narrow road.
As you read on you will realize that it’s so easy to do the normal things. It’s such a simple write, you won’t struggle to understand. Here we go!
Normal sees the bad in people, the negative, the faults; Extra ordinary sees the diamond in people and helps them to glow and shine/sparkle....
Normal is constantly seeking acceptance from others, Extra ordinary is accepting who you are, without reservation. When you know who you are you won’t be manipulated by others. When you accept yourself, you will have no worries about not getting acceptance form others or even having to relate with others.
Normal is depending on a particular thing for happiness and fulfillment like music, movies, people, shopping and drinking; extra ordinary is depending fully on God. If you depend on some particular thing, or person, or situation for your happiness and fulfillment, you’re setting yourself up for problems.
Normal corrects a person just to make you feel good and happy, extra ordinary corrects one because it’s going to benefit that person.
Normal is following what your feelings tell you, extra ordinary is doing the right thing in spite of what your feelings are saying. It’s much easier to do what we feel than to do calm down and do what’s right. Just because you woke up feeling discouraged doesn’t mean you should follow that and live discouraged. We can’t depend on our feelings because they are constantly changing; you can feel up one moment and down the next.
Normal looks at the physical looks only. Extra ordinary looks for the character and the beauty inside.
Normal spends much time taking care of the outside; extra ordinary knows there’s no point of having it together on the outside and broken inside. The bible says it’s the hidden man of the heart that He is concerned about.
Normal judges and criticizes people. Extra ordinary gives them love and grace.
Normal allows other people define your life, extra ordinary lives to the definition of God.
Normal does not forgive; extra ordinary chooses to forgive after all.
Normal is jumping into conclusions and saying stupid things, extra ordinary is seeking to get an understanding first.
Normal makes excuses and blames; extra ordinary admits the wrong made.
Normal is speaking too much speaking without listening, Extra ordinary knows this: James 1:19, be quick to listen and slow to speak.
Don’t live life in a small way, normal is very shallow, it’s not enough, and it’s boring!